Commonly Asked Questions
1. What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are an energetic database that holds the history of every soul’s journey—past, present, and future potentials. They contain information about your soul’s purpose, karmic lessons, and energetic patterns that may be influencing your current life. The bible refers to them as the “Book of Life”.
2. How do I know if I have karmic blocks?
Karmic blocks often show up as repeating patterns, struggles in relationships, financial hardships, health issues, or limiting beliefs that feel difficult to break free from. If you’ve been facing obstacles despite your efforts, it may be due to unresolved karma stored in your Akashic Records.
3. What happens when we clear karma?
Clearing karma helps to release energetic burdens, shift limiting patterns, and open up new possibilities for you. Many clients experience greater ease, improved relationships, enhanced intuition, and a sense of freedom and alignment with their highest path. The client will call in their highest timeline for this lifetime!
4. What makes my Akashic Records Coaching Program Unique?
Unlike most programs, mine is designed to target and clear major karmic core blocks that have been repeating across multiple lifetimes. Instead of identifying just one issue or focusing on a single lifetime, I go straight to the root causes—the deep-seated energetic imprints that create hundreds,
if not thousands, of blockages in your life.
As a certified Akashic Quantum Healer and Activator, I have the ability to clear these karmic blocks en masse, allowing for a profound and accelerated transformation. By removing the core root blocks, all related energetic distortions begin to dissolve, creating lasting change and opening the path to your highest potential. This deep, multidimensional clearing process is what makes my program truly one of a kind.
5. What are the Core Karmic Blocks that affect most people?
Negative soul attachments: Attached souls are those we have negative cords and threads with. Energetically this “binds” us to the other person and can be from both this life or a past life. They can draw or harness our life force even long after the soul has passed over. Soul attachments also happen when we share traumatic experiences with other people (loved ones, military etc.) creating attachments that can bind 2 souls together until the energy of the experience is released.
Negative soul contracts & agreements: These are agreements made between individuals that are in some way harmful to one or both parties. They tend to affect our present life relationships. These contracts are usually made as a result of negative or toxic experiences and may create codependency in this life or continual abusive relationships. Soul contracts can happen between lovers, child/parent, friendships or relatives.
Negative intentions: Intentions can be past or present life and they are a strong concentration of negative emotional energy that hooks into our energy field. They can leave us drained or anxious.
Negative thought forms: These are present life blocks. A thought form is a powerful repeated negative energy. A judgment or opinion that is false and can influence how we perceive or think about ourselves. Example: “I am not good enough.” This thought becomes deeply embedded in your subconscious, shaping your reality and attracting experiences that reinforce this belief.
Vows and Heart Oaths: These are pledges or promises made of a religious / biblical nature, usually to a perceived spiritual authority such as a church that results in one making negative choices in order to uphold the promise. Vows and oaths are promises of devotion usually involving a ritual, spiritual or religious ceremony. Anything where we sacrifice our happiness for another. Such vows and oaths are an in serving program that limits our abundance and happiness.
Vow of Poverty – “I swear to live a humble life with no wealth or material possessions.” (This can manifest in your current life as financial struggles, an inability to receive abundance, or guilt around money.)Heart Oath of Eternal Love – “I promise to love only you for all eternity.” (This can create blockages in present relationships, preventing you from moving on or attracting a new partner.)
Soul Bargains: These are usually past life agreements between 2 people bargaining for personal gain such as money, status, power or security. Example: Marrying for money or using someone to achieve a powerful position. This choice becomes a pattern which is incongruent with our divine soul blueprint and creates dependence on others and puts us out of alignment with our natural abundant state of being.
Constraints: A perception we have little or no choice or say in our life. We are made to do what someone else wants against our will, usually an authority figure of some kind such as parent, boss, spouse, religious leader etc. Example: Your parents arrange a marriage for you with someone you know will not bring you happiness, yet you go through with it anyway.
Curses / Negative Spells: These are powerful psychic cords of energy directed at another with willful intent to cause harm or suffering such as poverty, sickness, ill health, depression or isolation. They can be deliberate in the case of black magic or done unconsciously. Curses can be past and present life.
Anger hooks / Psychic Attacks: A concentration of anger energy directed at us, usually after an intense situation with a loved one who perceives they have been hurt or betrayed or refuses to take responsibility for their part in the exchange. Anger hooks will leave you feeling nervous, anxious or fearful for no reason resulting in a constant state of fight or flight in the body. Anger hooks can also be from us to another or directed at ourselves.
Trauma: Trauma wounds (past or present life) are unresolved and unconscious painful experiences that cause further triggers of fear, anger, emotional or physical pain in the body, guilt, anger, resentment, rage hatred or blame. Trauma wounding can create unexplained fear, anxiety, terror and panic as it puts stress on the nervous system which regulates our heart, breathing and digestion.
Self-punishment programs: Can be past or present life. A person may have a perception of making a huge mistake that may have negatively impacted and caused physical or emotional harm to someone and the person feels they need to learn lessons in order to justify the harm, hurt or betrayal caused to another. Self-punishment programs present as self-abuse and self-sabotage.
Negative spiritual attachments: Entities also known as low vibrational beings of the spiritual realm. These souls feed off our vital life force as they do not have a direct connection to source. They attach to low vibrational energy within us that is a match to them. They can leave us drained, sick and depressed.
Soul fragmentation: Can be past or present life issue. Part of the soul fragments when a person witnesses a traumatic event. Soul fragmentation presents to us a missing pieces of ourselves and this results in a person being unable to receive 100% of vital life force energy and divine gifts.
Why work with me?
With 8 years of deep esoteric studies and expertise in multiple energy healing modalities,
I offer a unique and holistic approach to karmic clearing and transformation. My Karma Reboot Coaching Program is designed to uncover and release the deepest karmic blocks holding you back, bringing clarity, healing, and alignment with your highest timeline.
Working with me includes:
✔ A detailed Akashic Records report identifying the karmic blocks impacting your life.
✔ Weekly remote energetic healing sessions to support your clearing process.
✔ Personalized guidance and direct access to me 5 days a week to track your progress.
✔ A targeted approach to karmic block removal, ensuring profound transformation.
By the end of our journey, you will be liberated from karmic limitations and aligned with your highest timeline, allowing greater joy, abundance, and purpose to flow into your life effortlessly.